One good thing: I found the pattern I got for the Mary Jane Cardigan... It was lost for about, ooohhh, six weeks? YES! I might start that one pretty soon.
You wrong fo that.
This dark yarn doesn't really photograph very well, but it's there in all its glory. Ah, yes. I made that with my own little hands. Don't you just love the laundry room shot?
In other news, I have started the South Beach Diet. I would like to drop about 15 lbs. On day FIVE, I have lost 6 lbs. (How the hell? I dunno.) I did cheat just a bit today, though. I was .S.T.A.R.V.I.N.G. and I downed a protein bar that had 22 carbs. That's the most I've had in five days. I feel pretty good except for the utter emptiness of not eating good food, but hey, at least I'll look better when the weight's gone. Hah! No more chips and salsa for a while, I'm afraid. Boo. I loves me some chips and salsa! Self portrait Sunday will resume when the weight is gone. Lovely. TTFN.
And since it's Sunday, here's a beauti-fly self-portrait! :)